Think on these Things!
Are we whited sepulchers?
On certain occasions the Jewish leaders of Christ’s day would go to the cemetery and white-wash the tombs of their forefathers or religious leaders. They would pride themselves in keeping these tombs beautifully white.
However, Jesus saw through their outward appearance and denounced them as hypocrite’s. For they appeared to men to be clean and pure always following the ways of the Lord. He told them that they were like those whitened tombs. They were clean and beautiful to the outward appearance. But inside they were like the tombs which were filled with dead men’s bones. They were inside full of uncleanness. Matthew 23:27-28.
We should take time to pause and think about what Christ said. Are we like those Pharisees, putting on a good front to those that see us, but inwardly we are full of uncleanness. First we need to surrender out lives to Christ and accept the salvation He purchased for each of us. And then daily allow the purifying, cleansing water of the word of God into our lives. As we allow Christ to guide us and lead us we can be clean inside as those tombs were on the outside. It is Christ that does the work, we need just to trust in Him and be obedient to His word.