A fruitful Life!
Do we want to to live a fruitful and worthwhile life? Then our thoughts need to be devoted to the Lord Jesus Christ. We need to live in Him, and allow His teachings and His empowering presence to control our lives. Let Christ live in and through us and the beauty of His life will shine forth, and through Him our lives will bear much fruit.
What is Truth?
Thank you for visiting our website. The “My Truth Your Truth” name was chosen because according to the beliefs we have, through the eyes of our worldview we have certain truths that we hold to and live by. Some of which are correct and some incorrect
As we live our lives and see society around us a very important area is truth. Not necessarily what you or I think is truth, but what actually “Truth” is.
Do your Emotions Rule?
Today emotion seems to rule in society. What I believe is right, and what you believe is right is the way we live our lives. Decisions made strictly on the truths we believe and the emotions we have can either guide us correctly in our lives or can cause us to be ship wreck. As we know emotions can fluctuate from day to day according to how someone acted toward us, how tired we are or whatever stress we may be under for the day. These emotions can be and usually are opposite of what the correct thing to do is and what “Truth” is.