what is Life?
What is life? It can be said that it is nothing but a thread of time, and were it not for a calendar and the sun rising and the sun setting it would be an immeasurable amount of life.
A breath taken!
A breath is drawn and a new life begins…..a breath stops and a life ends. The eyes first opened and the beauty of life is seen….the eyes close as another ends. One life born and there is joy while another ends and there are tears of sorrow and pain. It is an endless cycle in which we all play a part. Our lives extend for how many days we cannot know as we strive for what is below.
Is Earth Home?
Earth is our home, for it is all we know. But what about the time from the first breath drawn and the last breath expired. Between these two events, the beginning and end is the way in which we live. In fifty years or less following our death no one will know we ever existed. Perhaps a picture on face book or magazine, or some story somewhere soon forgotten. Our life is but a fragile vase, a vapor which appears and soon disappears.
We have a story to Tell!
Each man and woman have a story to tell, but what does that story say. Will it display the heart and soul of that fleeting breath. Will it tell of the desires and struggles with which that person lived. Will it be hollow without worth or will it be one which has worth. But what is worth? How is worth measured? By whom is worth measured?
What is Worth?
To the majority of the world “worth” is what one has accomplished, wealth, possessions, power, authority, fame, prestige and on and on we go seeking the glory and fame of these fleeting possessions which we try to hold onto. Today, we face the Corona virus and all its ramifications; a pandemic which has gripped the world with fear and death. But life does have meaning, and this meaning is through the person of Jesus Christ, the God-man who is ruler over all. He is the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords and Most High Potentate with all power and authority.
Nothing by Surprise
There is nothing which catches Him unaware, for He is the Lord. Nothing comes into the life of a believer except it is allowed by Him. Therefore this season which we all now find ourselves has been allowed by Him. When we look at King Solomon, the wisest and most wealthy King, the son of David, we see the life of a wise but foolish man. He ruled Israel for forty years and began well. Soon the power and wealth and authority of his position took him to search for pleasure, fun, wealth, possessions, fame, and glory without he Lord.
Life’s Meaning!
He sought for the meaning of life in all of these things, and enjoyed them all for a season, but found them to be an empty nothingness. A wasted life, one which could have brought glory to the Lord, a wasted life. He said “vanity, vanity all is vanity”. Most of humanity believes all this to be the worth of life. He began well but ended in foolishness.
A good thing
However, God is doing a new thing on this earth. His plan for the ages cannot be stopped by mankind or the evil enemy which we have. Even while we live in uncertain times, and all of history has been filled with this uncertanity, and faces the crisis and chaos one thing truly remains the same; and that is the Gospel of Jesus Christ! Who is the Jesus Christ? What is the Lord saying to us? There is one place to find the answer and that is in the infallible Word of God!
Consider our life!
We all should consider our lives, which is only a fleeting moment in time and what we do with it will determine our eternal destiny. For believers what we do with our lives will have a greater impact on eternity than we can ever realize. For the Great and Awesome God of the universe has promised rewards for each of His faithful children. What these rewards really consist of, or of what nature they truly are we can have no comprehension. One thing for sure, if they are from the Lord they will be valued far beyond what we would ever have on this earth. For each of us and myself I pray that we will invest our lives into living under the control of the Holy Spirit, trusting Him in all things and in all ways and in all times.
This Pandemic!
This pandemic will end, this life will end, this earth as we know it will end, the spiritual battle which we are all in will one day end. So what is life, what is our life worth? When the day comes to each of us to draw our last breath and to be taken into the presence of our Lord and Savior then the true worth of our lives will be known. This is the true worth of a life, a life lived for Him. To me the goal to be heard by our Lord and Savior is “Well done thou good and faithful servant.” To see His face and hear those words, what more could we undeserving sinful men and women desire.
As we miss the fellowship of each other and desire the time when we can again praise our Lord in our churches we will someday be gathered together in the heavenlies with Christ. That fellowship will truly come. It is more real and more certain than the day we all gather together on this earth. May the Lord of grace and peace grant us all His peace, His safety and most importantly His fellowship.